Saturday, 29 November 2008

The Mariner's Revenge Song

"We are two mariners
Our ships' sole survivors
In this belly of a whale"

So begins the tale of one of my favorite songs "The Mariner's Revenge Song" by The Decemberists. I would have loved to make an animation based around this song, but that's an ambitious personal project I can't afford to tackle right now.

Instead I'll have to settle for this illustration. If you are unfamiliar with this modern day sea shanty, then please do yourself a favour and check it out here. It comes in at a whopping 10 minutes, but its well worth it.

Enjoy me hearties!


  1. Very very cool my friend! An animated video to that would be sweet!!

  2. Hello Chris!!
    Thank you very much for visiting my blog. yours seems to me to be fantastic.
    An embrace.

  3. Great drawing Chris!!
    I really like your stuff.

  4. Hi Chris!!!
    Very very nice looking illustrations!
    Like it!

  5. Wow, I love your stuff. I remember checking out your alphabet monsters on your blog earlier this year! I love them! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Cool stuff on this blog Chris.
    This one is particularly great, would love to see it turned into a full animaiton, digging your alpha monsters further down too.

    Cheers for the comments on my blog man :)


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