Friday 30 April 2010

Egg Shaped Dog expressions

There was something about Egg Shaped Dog in my earlier post that appealed to me. So every morning, to warm up my scribbling muscles, I've been sketching some expressions for him. I ended up with 2 pages worth, so I thought I'd share them here.

Hope yers likes em!

Thursday 29 April 2010

Fan my face

Hey everyone, as you can see by the image above, I've gone and created one of those Facebook fan pages, in a desperate attempt to appear more popular than I actually am. You may also notice that I have a rather pathetic "None" fans.

Well that's just because I've only just set it up a few seconds ago. So naturally I'm expected to be inundated with literally several fans very soon.

If you would like to follow my goings on and are wise with the ways of face friending, then please stop on by. I'll be linking my blog to the page as well as posting other bits and bobs which may or may not interest you.

Hopefully they will.

EDIT: 99 fans, will you be the lucky 100th?

Support Monstroville

Von Kreep, the brains behind Monstroville, is currently looking to help to get his project off the ground. Starting from US$10 you can help fund a cool cartoon and receive some spooky perks for your generosity! Just think you could go to bed tonight knowing that you've helped make someone's dream come true! Doesn't that just make you feel all gooey inside?

Visit to get a full rundown of the project and to get a the full list of all the goodies up for grabs if you choose to help.

Go on, you know you want to!

Friday 23 April 2010

Dog shaped egg

What do you do after you've drawn an egg shaped dog? A dog shaped egg of course! That's gotta hurt!

Thursday 22 April 2010

Egg shaped dog

I'm not sure what this Doggie's so mad about, mabye it's because he's shaped like an egg. Yeah that might be it.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Union Jerk

I saw this guy today as he strutted his stuff across the pedestrian crossing, right in front of my car. Amusingly, he was visibly struggling to suck his sizable tum into his skinny fit Union Jack tee. Together with his badly coiffed Mohawk, this was one image I wanted to share.
Oh and Happy Easter!